Newsletter april 2022

Ready for the new sailing season?
Thanks to the fine weather since weeks, many yacht owners are already busy again with preparing their yachts for the new sailing season. Should you spot anything during those preparations that you would like us to have a look at, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Lelystad office.We can hardly wait to go sailing again! Same for you? Be sure to include the following checks in your preparations: Make an appointment nowRepairs, maintenance and refit
Each yacht needs some periodic maintenance. Springtime is excellent for having your ship thoroughly checked in that regard by our expert technicians. For instance, repairs or an extension of your onboard electrics. Or ensure that your mast is well trimmed for most efficient sailing.
Our technicians at Lelystad will be glad to assist you with such maintenance and refit works on your C-Yacht or Compromis. Contact us and we’ll see what we can do for you.
Ordering spare parts or sails
Another way to keep your yacht in top conditions is to provide it with OEM components where these have to be replaced. Available at C-Yacht! Also for older yacht models we have essential components available – for example bearings, rubbing strake covers or rudders. Of many components we have several in stock. So chances are that we can help you quite quickly, depending on what you need.
Sails or canvas ready for renewal? Talk to us. We’ll be glad to advise you with confidence about the most suitable types of sail or canvas for your yacht.